SIP Newsletter #24

Brussels, August 14, 2005


- Focus on XML
- SipXML improvements
- Optical beams
- New SIP interface to Score

Dear Score user,

The focus of SIP development has been on XML in the last couple of months. Not only do we have the converter from XML to Score (to be renamed to SipXML2Score) but we also announced the inverse - to go from Score to XML with the program SipScore2XML. The latter is still under development but its first results have been published a month ago in this space.

Focus on XML
Recordare just published its Dolet 3. There are so many extensions to this product that MusicXML generated by it requires a higher level of the SipXML converter. This is why there will be the follow-up product SipXML2Score on which development has just started.
For the user there will be little difference except that filtering is more convenient.
Filtering? What is that?
The structure of MusicXML files is such that it allows part extraction BEFORE you convert it to Score. An intermediate file is created of the extracted part, that is all. Well not all really because there is another basis for filtering, namely by bar number. This also creates an intermediate file.
Both filters can be applied in sequence.
The change from SipXML to SipXML2Score has a few repercussions: renaming a product has technical disadvantages but the changes will be such that no new main SIP program will be necessary if you upgrade from SipXML to SipXML2Score. Once you can download the latter, it will be automatically linked to the existing SipXML button and the use will be transparent.
It is not yet known when SipXML2Score will be ready for distribution. Requests for changes to SipXML build 027 will continue to be honored until the successor is there.

SipXML improvements
The upgrade of SipXML to it latest level 027 incorporates stability and feature upgrades mentioned here:
- improved generation of extenders (they were not sensitive to refrain level)
- improved Refrain output to report - put extender at end of line
- support the doit (also called doink) articulation
- support rehearsal as text in box
- support lines with both hooks
- up-bow and down-bow always above.
- improved combined beams (Par 10) and hooks (called partial beams in Score)
- improved line handling when continued on next system
- improved LV generation when missing tie end
- improved left end of hairpin generation, and solved hairpin problem coming out as wiggle
- allow more than one dynamic per note
- replaced 'beam too complex 3' prompt by a message
- error message when tuplet not stopped (occurs with Dolet for Finale 1.4.1)
- provide defaults on inputboxes for vertical staff distances
- improved diagnostic if note/rest generated beyond end of measure (happens when XML has wrong duration)
- avoid text to be shifted beyond 200. Messages now have measure number.
- replaced the 'beyond pos 200' prompt by a warning message
- problem fixed when two clefs in one measure

Optical beams
This term was recently introduced by Sibelius but Score users have been familiar with it since Tom Brodhead introduced his BEAM program.
What it means is that beams are put on a staff such that the staff lines will not cross the space between the beams or create little corners that fill with ink. The meachanism by hand or with the BEAM program only works on single or double beams, not on triple beams.
With the new feature of SipEPS01, this can be obtained. An example is given on this website (SipEPS01 announcement).

New SIP interface to Score
All SIP utilities which allow you to pass control to Score do so via a common interface called SipSkore. This module overcomes a couple of Score restrictions such as paths longer than 24 characters and renaming EPS files automatically to the input file names.
When you have Score files which are numbered BACH001.MUS, BACH002.MUS, etc. you can use the NX and NB commands to walk from one file to the next but when there are holes in the numbering these commands behave irratically. Now the interface panel has a + and - button which correspond to the NX and NB command but they function correctly when there are holes, so BACH008.MUS will advance to BACH013.MUS when the four in between are missing.
You need to download build 010 of SipScore and overwrite your old version with it.

Long live SCORE!

Jan de Kloe